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Leadership in Action Toward Academic Excellence

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I have dedicated numerous years advocating and collaborating for all children within the community and CNUSD.  I believe as a school board member we must be fully committed to excellence in all we do, always accessible and always there to represent all students, parents, teachers, support staff, administrators and the community.  My experience has shown me to truly value and support the hard work and dedication our excellent teachers, administrators and support staff exhibit.  As your CNUSD School Board Member I realize and wholeheartedly agree that I am entrusted with the responsibility for educating every student in our district regardless of need, background or income.  This trust also comes with the added responsibility for transparency, oversight and accountability that are paramount to the public.

As one of your Governing Board of Education  Members, I understand the immense responsibility  when overviewing  the District's Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and ultimately vote on the incorporation of the LCAP plan.  The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)  describes the implementation of projects and initiatives in Corona-Norco Unified School District that are funded through Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Supplemental Funding.  This funding is provided by the state of California to support additional programs designed to be principally directed toward our English Learner Students, Foster Youth and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Students.

The LCAP is revised on an annual basis using recommendations from students, the LCAP community survey, the District English Learner Advisory Committee, the Superintendent Advisory Committee and finally the LCAP Advisory Committee.  The LCAP Advisory Committee is a group  that is comprised of members of all parts of our educational community - teachers, parents, classified employees and administrators.  All recommendations from these groups are forwarded to the CNUSD Cabinet, to the Superintendent and ultimately, to the Board of Education for consideration of incorporation into the LCAP.

My 25+ years in PTA have demonstrated my passionate advocacy for our students, parents, teachers and all stakeholders of CNUSD.  Not only am I a local advocate for education but also a state advocate having gone to Sacramento numerous times advocating through PTA for "20 to 1"and other educational concerns.  I was appointed to the State of California Health Professions Education Foundation by the California Senate Rules Committee and have advocated for legislation that benefits education at all levels.  I am also a dedicated active volunteer in the following community, county and state organizations:

1.   CABE, Legislative Director

2.   Immediate Past President, CABE Riverside Chapter

3.   Corona Norco PTA Council Liaison

4.   Circle City Kiwanis Past President

5.   PEO (Philanthropic Education Organization)

6.   Past Cinco de Mayo Scholarship Committee

7.   RCOE Spelling Bee Judge

8.   Corona Fire Safety Foundation Vice President and President

9.   Corona Police "Kids & Cops Christmas Holiday"

10. Bicycles 4 Kids Committee

11.  Past Cinco de Mayo Fiesta Co-Master of Ceremony

12.  Past Vice President, California Latino School Board Association

13. Past Corona High School "Every 15 Minutes " Community Coordinator

14. 2022 CSBA AEC Chairperson

15. Delegate, California School Boards Association Delegate Assembly

16. Member, Riverside County Committee on School District Organization 


I have been involved in many exciting projects and programs that have come to fruition in my Trustee Area 3.  Some of these include the Parent Center on Sixth Street, the STEM Academy, the Aviation Program, Dual Language Immersion, the renovation of the Star Room, Library, Main Gymnasium, Weight Room, new Football field and new Marquee at Corona High School.  New Administration building, Library, Kindergarten Rooms and Multipurpose Room at Garretson Elementary.  New Administration building, Library, Kindergarten Rooms and Multipurpose Room at Lincoln Elementary. New Administration building, Library and school playground at Jefferson Elementary. New Multipurpose room/Gym at Corona Fundamental Intermediate School, Renovation of Varsity Baseball Field Bathrooms, Fence & Bleachers at Corona High. Ongoing projects in my Trustee Area: Multipurpose room at Raney Intermediate.  Completed Projects district wide include Eastvale Stem Academy at Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Philistine Rondo School of Discovery and New Football Scoreboards at all High Schools.  With the passing of Measure GG there have been many district wide school security projects and many other school upgrades that include;  Gym/Multipurpose room at Auburndale Intermediate, New Aquatic Center/Pool at Centennial High, 7 New TK & Kinder Classrooms & Minor site Improvements at Highland Elementary, 2 Permanent Modular Buildings and Updated Parking at Victress Bowers School for Exceptional Children.


I am very proud of Corona Norco Unified School District being recognized throughout California and the United States as a leader in educational programs. CNUSD is the largest school district in Riverside County and the 7th largest school district in California.  CNUSD has 53 schools and serves over 53,000 students in the diverse communities of Corona, Norco, Eastvale and Temescal Valley with a 94.9% Graduation Rate.  CNUSD currently has after-school programs operating at 20 of our school sites providing after-school and summer enrichment programs.  CNUSD has many Educational Program Opportunities that include; Career Technical Education (CTE), Dual Language Immersion (DLI), Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA), STEM Academies, International Baccalaureate (IB), Gifted & Talented Education (GATE), Special Education, College Credit Opportunites and K-12 Virtual School.


CNUSD has many Services and Resources that support our students and ensure your child gets the best education possible. This Services and Resources  include; Anonymous TipLine, Bullying Prevention, English Learner Resources, Dangers of Fentanyl & Opioids, Foster Youth Supports, Mental Health Resources, School Meals, Student Health & Wellness, Tobacco & Vaping Prevention, Transportation Services, 1:1 Chromebook Device Program.  


CNUSD has received many recognitions and awards that include having been a Broad Prize Finalist 2012 and 2013, State Model School Attendance and Review Board (SARB) 2014, 2015, 2022.  California Distinguished School District 2019, Exemplary School Safety Initiative Award for Project Safety Net 2015, California Distinguished Schools and Gold Ribbon Award Recipient, California Model Continuation High School Award Recipients, CIF Division and State Athletic Championships, California School Boards Association - Golden Bell Award Recipient, County and State Teachers, Classified Employees and Administrators of the Year.  Even though CNUSD has recieved many accolades  we can't sit back and relax, we must be continuously  striving forward together as a team to  reach higher goals and meet the challenges that lie ahead.  As one of your current school board members, I have the education, experience, training, passion, leadership abilities, time and insight to continue making positive contributions to CNUSD.  I appreciate your support and your vote.



Mary Ybarra For School Board 2024  Mobile number (909) 214-4888

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Mary Ybarra For School Board 2024

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